Blue spandex leotard worn by a fit girl

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Sometimes, when writing these texts for the photo series, I am feeling like an old, old person. Talking about memories and about how the shootings with the girls happened let me sometimes fall back in those times. Not everything was good, not everything was bad, but it was pretty much different from today. When I see this lovely series with my former neighbour girl wearing that blue spandex leotard, I really see the difference.

It was more easy to find models for that kind of sets. In today, most of the models I am asking telling me – not in a lifetime. If you find a girl that`s ok with such outfits, there are other drawbacks to work with. So I guess, everything got its time. Shooting with models in tight blue spandex leotard for example. But I won`t give up on it, I continue to look for suitable, willing girls to work with. Promised.

Now enjoy my anonymous neighbour girl in a set from the mid-2000s. Blue spandex leotard and nothing else.

Blue spandex leotard worn by a fit girl – preview pictures
Blue spandex leotard worn by a fit girl Blue spandex leotard worn by a fit girl Blue spandex leotard worn by a fit girl