Juana – tight jeans and Swears

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Meeting Juana on this day for the planned shooting, made me really standing with an open mouth. I hadn`t told her about the plans for the picture series. So I was very surprised as she turned around the corner. Dressed in that tight blue jeans from Jet Lag, that tight green top and the blue / white Swears plateau shoes.

As we went to the shooting location, she told me the story how she got that awesome shoes. Having that class trip to London the year before, she was shopping with her best friend at that time. Having spend a lot of time going for jeans and dresses, they entered a shoe store. The blue / white Swear shoes just caught her attention when going in. She couldn`t resist trying them and as the last pair had her size, she spend all her remaining money on getting them.

I was lucky she had done so, these shoes are a real eye-catcher. As I met her a few month ago, I have asked her about the clothes from the past, only thing she still keeps are her Swear and Buffalo shoes.

low-res samples
Juana - tight blue jeans and Swear plateau shoes Juana - tight blue jeans and Swear plateau shoes Juana - tight blue jeans and Swear plateau shoes